Thursday, August 16, 2007

Pictures are a thousand words

Reading is all very well but sometimes the best thing in the world is to look at pictures, like a child, imagining a life behind the image.

To this end I spend an inordinate amount of time on The Sartorialist, a delicious blog about style. Sart simply goes off into the world and photographs people who look intertesting to him, and his egalitarian and kind disposition to what makes a great picture and good style is refreshing and rare in the fashion world. Not only that, he's a lovely writer so if you do find yourself craving the written word, it's occasionally there for you. He captures all kinds of people including those with the etched faces and demeanors of people who would be shocked to be considered "fashionable", appearing to be far busier simply living or thinking or working hard or suffering or enjoying, un-self-consciously.

I am excited to the point of not sleeping, too, to know that the September Vogue, Bazaar, the European editions, Harper's Bazaar and various style sections will soon drop on the doorstep. I love fall -- the time of re-invention. The real beginning of the year.

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