Saturday, December 8, 2007

Between the lines

Amazing what you can read when you are ready to read between the lines.

All the fearsome truths, all the dangerous realities, all the things too frightening to face lie there plain as day, upright and ready.

You learn, between the lines, what the end of the affair really means. You read what the boss actually wants of you -- less you, more company mandate and task at hand; in fact, best if there is no "you" at all, just the delivery of numbers, business, perfect projects accomplished with the least amount of kerfuffle possible. Just say "yes" in the language he best understands.

Mostly understand what the cowards are trying to say -- they are the ones who most frequently lurk between the lines. If the words are wonderful and the actions are less so, you are in this netherworld.

It is easy to misunderstand what Between the Lines actually means. We are taught to forgive, we are taught that relationships are hard work, we are taught to accomodate.

If I were ever to have a child (and I will not) or if I were ever responsible for the guidance of one most especially a girl I would say this. Read the writing on the wall. Take the news bravely. Accept it and move on, knowing that you are worthy of better news and better treatment. This will protect you from having to live with the lies and deceptions of those who can't quite say clearly what they really mean. You'll see it in the first place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the story of William Carlos Williams who gave a young poet this sage advice: "If someone gives you lined paper to write on, turn it sideways and write across them."

Love the Different Drummer snap. WCW would have been proud.